About Ghent Valley

Welcome to Ghent Valley - the website alternative for the GhentValley LinkedIn group.

What is GhentValley?

  • professionals working or living in Ghent
  • interested to keep in touch with the Ghent professional community
  • no specific area of industry like ICT or biotech: a diverse community is more fun

We’re currently collecting LinkedIn contacts from the Ghent area. In the future, we could host an agenda, collect news from Ghent Valley members, and make sure this website becomes a central clearing house for everything innovative and entrepreneurial in or near Ghent. After that, with some volunteer effort, we might venture into real-life events.

On May 13th, a week after the LinkedIn group was created, we were already at 60 members. June 5th, we’re at 187 members. Beginning of September 2008, we are at more than 300 members. Join us!

If your membership request is declined, please get in touch with the group administrator.

GhentValley is an initiative inspired by LeuvenValley and AntwerpenValley (their websites seem to be inactive). Thanks!